Blog  |  Posted September 25, 2024

IR for your Silent Seminar?

For those who may not have come across this before Silent Seminar is very popular in an exhibition environment. Used in the education seminars and exhibitor theatres where the general exhibition noise makes hearing presentations difficult.  The system works by personalising the audio via a dedicated multichannel receiver.

Typical exhibition theatre with IR radiator top left.

AVD’s favoured Silent Seminar offering is based on our Infrared Receivers (IR) as used in our language services. This has the following advantages over Silent Disco (RF) based systems.

  • IR is licence free
  • IR does not interfere with other devices like Radio Mics or WiFi
  • IR receivers have been specifically designed for congress meeting use.
  • IR receivers have an extended battery life of up to 200 hours for disposable batteries or 75 hours using rechargeable batteries. So it will last the business day.
  • IR rechargeable receivers have a good charging solution with dedicated charger cases that charge over 50 devices in one go.
  • IR is a secure medium. It is light so stays within the confines of a room or even just a curtained area.
  • IR receivers can be used with personal induction loops for the hard of hearing.
  • IR can be used with a more discreet ear piece to allow use with a head dress that will not allow use of a head banded headphone
  • IR can expand up to 32 interference free channels.

The Silent Disco (RF) sets do have their advantages too.

  • RF is quicker to set up on site.
  • RF receiver is integrated into the headphone.
  • RF can be cheaper.

So if you have a troublesome venue or are tight for space but need multiple breakouts we have a solution for you.  Contact us to solve your problem.

IR receivers on charge with headphones

IR receivers on charge with headphones