We often receive calls from charities and local groups needing our support but unfortunately not quite having the budget to pay anything near the market rates. In the past we have supported as many as we can in exchange of sponsorship or just that fuzzy feel-good factor.
We have now formulated a new policy whereby we keep and maintain a pool of equipment no longer in our main hire stock. This is then made available to charities and groups in exchange for a donation to a local food bank. The donation value is entirely at the discretion of the hirer. This removes the pressure of sponsorship and while a warm fuzzy feeling is nice its better when it is putting a meal on a family’s table.
To access this equipment your event should be for a good cause, or the community, and the majority of persons involved in its organisation should be volunteers. In other words this equipment is not available to profit making organisations looking to boost margins by reducing costs.
This helps keep the equipment available to those who need it the most and prevents us from destroying our own hire business.
If your event meets the above criteria then please get in touch.